Leo Wyld

Raccoonatic Comm

Cosmic Greetings! I am Leo Wyld. Lifelong gamer. Sometimes writer. Rocket Raccoon Superfan (Celebrator of raccoons in general, really)

And this is my...

World of Warcraft Character...
Mero the Mechanic

Mero, my Vulpera Hunter (on Wyrmrest Accord-US) is my main character on WoW. For a biography about him, along with a related gallery, go here.

Crawford Grey

Champions Online is not my most played MMO, by any stretch, but - wow - does it not have the most awesome character creator in a game. This is Crawford Grey, genetically and nanotech enhanced raccoon (No relation to Larson Grey from Mero's story). He's an alt rocker and superhero. Fighting crime with just his claws and a guitar that does smashing fire-generating attacks! (really).

Contact Info...

Twitter - @leowyld (I am always watching Twitter, if I am awake - unless I am away from home/Wifi)

If I'm on World of Warcraft, I'll likely be on Mero (as specified above). I use some form of Leowyld most places. It is my handle on Champions Online, my name on Switch, Twitch, Steam, and Epic Games. Feel free to contact me on those places. Although, I get a lot of bot invites on Epic, so give me notice elsewhere for that first.